© Erich Barnet GesmbH &CoKG - Spezialunternehmen für Schutzraumtechnik - 2014
General Hospital University Vienna (AKH)
LINAC E - room 1 lead lined door filled with lead concrete (hematite) weight 15 to. lead floor and walls weight 20 to. LINAC C - room additional lead for the existing lined door and frame (1,2 to. lead) LINAC A - room: 1 lead lined door with 50mm lead and 220mm polyethylene - weight approx. 7 to. PET CT center: 5 lead lined doors - 25 to. lead walls and ceiling Brachy Therapy Center: 1 lead lined door - 1,7 to. lead walls LINAC B +C + D room: 3 lead lined door - weight approx. 7 to.
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